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Why Do Some Women Start Menopause Early (And What Can They Do About It)?

Why Do Some Women Start Menopause Early (And What Can They Do About It)?

About 5% of women experience menopause before age 45, and about 1% go through premature menopause before age 40. If you’re going through this natural life transition earlier than expected, you can find the compassion and support you deserve at Salem Women’s Clinic, Inc.

Our highly skilled medical team has extensive experience helping women navigate the challenges that menopause can cause to your physical, mental, and emotional health.

We offer customized care plans to rebalance your hormone levels so you can find lasting relief from difficult or uncomfortable symptoms.

What to know about early menopause

Menopause is the end of a woman’s childbearing years – the time when your monthly periods stop for good. On average, this transition occurs around age 51 and is postmenopausal when your periods end for a consecutive 12 months.

Early menopause occurs when periods stop before age 45, while premature menopause affects women before age 40. An early transition can occur for a variety of reasons, including:

Some women might also experience early menopause because of chromosomal abnormalities, autoimmune disease, or a thyroid disorder.

In about half of the cases of early or premature menopause, there is no identifiable cause found.

Recognizing signs of early or premature menopause

Before the end of your menstrual cycle, you can expect to go through perimenopause. This phase can last for a few months or as long as ten years before you transition into your postmenopausal years.

During perimenopause, your reproductive hormone levels begin to fluctuate, and your body slows down its production of estrogen and progesterone. An imbalance in these hormones can lead to a range of symptoms, including:

You may also notice changes in your mood and experience increased irritability, anxiety, and depression. Many women face libido changes that reduce their interest in sex. Intercourse can also be painful due to vaginal irritation and dryness.

For some women, these symptoms can be severe and life-altering when they occur at a younger age than expected. If you feel overwhelmed by these symptoms or other health changes that early menopause causes, know that treatments are available at Salem Women’s Clinic, Inc.

The benefit of bioidentical hormones for early menopause relief

Our experienced medical team takes a personalized approach to treating your menopause symptoms. We specialize in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) to restore your natural hormone balance.

Bioidentical hormones come from yams and other plant materials and are structurally similar to your body's hormones. Plant-based hormones are typically calmer on the body than synthetic hormones and hormones that come from animal products.

Our providers work closely with you to find the most effective dosage for lasting symptom relief. We can also recommend diet improvements and lifestyle changes that support your mental, physical, and emotional health as you journey into your postmenopausal years.

Call Salem Women’s Clinic, Inc., in Salem, Oregon, today to learn how bioidentical hormone therapy can work for you. You can also book an appointment online. 

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